Ashley holds Bachelors degrees in both History and Digital Media Production. Her amazing graphic design skills are only surpassed by her creative writing. She has also had many adventures as a multi-medium artist. Yes, “medium” — if it’s a handcraft, she’s probably at least tried it. (Important safety tips from Ashley: be sure you know which end of the soldering iron is hot before you pick it up, and the nail you hit with the hammer is NOT the one attached to your thumb.)

Ashley is a committed spiritual practitioner. She also enjoys (though this does not always mean ‘has time for’) yoga, tai chi, Zumba, bicycling, amusement parks, mini-golf, playing piano and the occasional road trip. In spite of this wide (some would say masochistically so) variety of interests, her first love and abiding passion is writing, which she has been doing since she could grip a crayon.

She lives in the Orlando, FL area with a large book and dvd collection, too many art supplies and a cat who wants to be a professional soccer player, which would be really cute if he didn’t run drills on the field (i.e. “bed”) at 3:30 in the morning.